Proud Sponsor
We are proud sponsors of the Seed Potato Growers’ Forum and this year it has once again been a great success. it was held in Cape Town on 8 and 9 September.
The Seed Potato Growers’ Forum serves as a platform to discuss matters related to the seed potato industry.
The Forum gives us at Label Pro an opportunity to interact with people from the industry. The interactive sessions give us the chance to hear the challenges and needs of farmers and how we can assist them from a Label and Branding perspective.
The Forum is responsible for
- Determination of needs within the seed potato industry
- Identification of research of the certification of seed potatoes
- Identification of needs with respect to the selling of seed potatoes
- making recommendations to the National Seed Potato Committee and the Independent Certification Council for Seed Potatoes with regard to amendments to the Scheme
- Referring resolutions to the respective committees
- Dissemination of information.
The Forum is held annually. Discussion points are identified on a regional level via the regional seed potato committees. Only matters of national interest are taken to the Forum. The Forum condones the members of the respective committees within the seed potato industry. The Forum is attended by seed potato growers, owners of varieties, importers of planting material, major role players in the potato processing industry, chemical and fertilizer companies, researchers, seed potato traders and all interested role player in the industry. it is the most prestigious event on the calendar of the Seed Potato Industry